, Furthermore, it highlights that the interaction between the geotechnical engineering team and the civil engineering team does not (only) rely on the provision of a "map" of the subsurface. This means that current propositions of IFC extensions for geology or geotechnics that deal with the provision of representations of geological model (may it be 1D (borehole log), 2D (cross section) or 3D), only address a part of the required and formally exchanged geotechnical information. Yet, several groups or organizations, such as INSPIRE and OGC already propose data models for geoscience data standardization, The MINnD UC8-GT team focused on the identification of the geotechnical data that are formally exchanged in a project. The results are represented by Information Delivery Manuals (IDM) that describe the geotechnical knowledge construction. It enabled to identify the important concepts to include in a data model proposition, 2016.

Y. An and E. Boisvert, Bureau de Normalisation des Transports, des Routes et de leurs Aménagements, Geological Data Extension for Subway Tunnel BIM models using a Linked Data Approach -Master Thesis, 2014.

A. Braeckel and B. Brodaric, 2017 -OGC WaterML 2: Part 4 -GroundWaterML 2 (GWML2) -Open Geospatial Consortium Standard 16-032r2, v2.2, 160p. Caronna, S. 2006 -Implementing XML for geotechnical databases -Geo-Engineering Data: Representation and Standardisation, 10th IAEG Congress, OGC® Publish/Subscribe Interface Standard 1.0 -Core -Open Geospatial Consortium Standard 13-131r1, v1.0, 112p, 2006.

C. Eastman, P. Teicholz, R. Sacks, and K. Liston, -BIM handbook: a guide to building information modeling for owners, managers, designers, engineers, and contractors -Wiley. King, M. & al. 2012 -Reservoir Modeling: From RESCUE to RESQML -SPE Reservoir, Evaluation & Engineering, vol.15, issue.2, p.12, 2011.

, NF P 94 500 -Geotechnical engineering missions -Classification and specifications. NF EN 1997-1/1997-2 -Eurocode 7 : Calcul géotechnique

P. Scarponcini, 2016 -OGC® Land and Infrastructure Conceptual Model Standard (LandInfra) -OGC ® Implementation Standard 15-111r1, p.315

G. Schumann, Future City Pilot 1 -Recommendations on Serving IFC via WFS -OGC Public Engineering Report, p.15, 2017.